Shoujo no Yume's Clique Overload!!!
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Awards and Quizes

The results of any quizes I've taken, or awards I've won or applied for.

Take the Kingdom Hearts personality quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria.

I'm Sora!
Which Kingdom Hearts character are you?

Caring Maiden
What Kingdom Hearts FF Character are you?

Enchantment Infernal Flicker Sensual Caress
Flaming Lovely Photonic Loving Orchestral Concert Charm
Flash Orchestral Glow
Flickering Flame Glaring Shining Flicker
Hot Shining Carol
Illuminated Cremating Chorale
Paramour Affectionate Inferno
Photon Bewitching Orchestral Enchantment Burning Affectionate Radiance Flaming Blaze
Seducer Melting Infernal Blaze Gleaming Romantic Lover Illumination
Wedding Blaze


Which Hisoka are you?
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